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The reason Blu is blind and why Luna accepts him

Ar. Enderman "Blu" Wolf


Lives in: Canterlot Castle, Equestria (homeland: Celtic Equestria)

Member since: Nov 03, 2017

*Blu returns to Tartarus* 

Hey Fury, forgot to give you this

*Gives him a button* 

If these two give you any trouble this will shock them and Tirek I meant be nice remember what I'll do to you *Cozy laughs* that means you too

*They both nod in agreement with fear in their eyes*

*Tirek whispers to Fury* Tirek: whatever you do don't make Blu mad

Blu: Alright now have fun be nice or I'll get discord and Luna to make you live your worst nightmares

Ar. Enderman "Blu" Wolf


Lives in: Canterlot Castle, Equestria (homeland: Celtic Equestria)

Member since: Nov 03, 2017

*A hooded stranger appears before the 3 of them*

Unknown: here are your meals you 3

*Gives each of them a hayburger and fries*

Unknown: enjoy them

Tirek and Cozy: Thank you Ms. Piza

Ms.Piza: who's the new guys?

Tirek and Cozy: that's Fury he's in for nearly destroying Canterlot

*Ms.Piza nods and leaves*

*A guard in elite armor with the symbol of Blu's squadron on his front left shoulder piece approaches* 

Guard: Fury, Blu would like to apologise once more for putting you here he didn't want to do it. He was ordered by the princesses to put you here.

*Guard bows and leaves*

Last updated: Tue, Mar 12, 2019 07:21 pm

Ar. Enderman "Blu" Wolf


Lives in: Canterlot Castle, Equestria (homeland: Celtic Equestria)

Member since: Nov 03, 2017

*In Canterlot Blu tries to explain why Fury attacked Canterlot*

Blu: Luna, my love, I love you beyond measure. But we didn't have to lock him up I could have just given him the harder training that he wanted he doesn't like it when things are easy.

Luna: I know, Blu, but he did attack us and destroy millions of bits in property damage we had. You know what tomorrow he can be set free and I'll ask Discord to train Fury and your guards

Blu: agreed *Blu leaves and sends a letter to Fury saying he'll be set free as long as he doesn't do any evil and that he'll be training with Discord*

Ar. Enderman "Blu" Wolf


Lives in: Canterlot Castle, Equestria (homeland: Celtic Equestria)

Member since: Nov 03, 2017

*a guard approaches Fury with Blu's letter*

Guard: you've got mail, it's from Arbiter Blu. 

*The guard gives him the letter*

Guard: Blu really does miss you, he says you were a good friend and one of his greatest soliders.

*The Guard leaves*

Ar. Enderman "Blu" Wolf


Lives in: Canterlot Castle, Equestria (homeland: Celtic Equestria)

Member since: Nov 03, 2017

*a day later Blu and a few guards appear through a portal* 

*He walks towards Fury* Hello Fury, we are here to take you back home

*He unlocks Fury's cell and they walk through the portal*

*Blu's second in command Commander Lightning Storm approaches them with armor for Fury*

Storm: Mr. Fury here is your armor to make sure you don't get seriously injured by Discord

*Discord appears*

Discord: So Blu, this is Fury? 

*Blu nods*

Discord: good *cracks knuckles*

Blu: good luck *puts his hoof on Fury's shoulder* Discord was happy to give you the danger you wanted

*Blu and his guards leave*

Ar. Enderman "Blu" Wolf


Lives in: Canterlot Castle, Equestria (homeland: Celtic Equestria)

Member since: Nov 03, 2017

*Discord laughs* No, no, no you're thinking small here I'm going to make you face multiple ponies fears

*Discord snaps his claws and Clowns, big snakes appear*

*Blu watches from over his office as Fury is training*

*Blu is amazed how well Fury is at fighting chaos*

Ar. Enderman "Blu" Wolf


Lives in: Canterlot Castle, Equestria (homeland: Celtic Equestria)

Member since: Nov 03, 2017

*Discord dodges and says* You're as powerful as Blu said you were 

*Discord creates a few monsters for Fury to fight*

*As Blu watches them Discord sees Blu, the Blu nods Discord nods back*

Blu: *thinking* Discord you son of a gun you never seize to disappoint me

*Discord continues to train Fury but each one harder than the last*

Ar. Enderman "Blu" Wolf


Lives in: Canterlot Castle, Equestria (homeland: Celtic Equestria)

Member since: Nov 03, 2017

*Discord laughs then Blu leaves his office continuing to watch Fury and when Discord finished training Fury for the day Blu claps his head slowly* Impressive, Fury. Discord thank you for coming we will see you tomorrow *Discord says goodbye and night falls upon them* *two guards and Blu walk with Fury to his quarters but another guard runs towards Blu with a letter in hoof* *Blu reads it*

Blu: Okay seems Luna is requesting my presence in her quarters. I want you two to bring Fury to his room give him food and water. Fury, it's good to have you back old friend *opens his hooves for a hug and hugs Fury*

Guards: we will do that, sir

*Blu leaves the guards continue on showing Fury to his quarters*

Ar. Enderman "Blu" Wolf


Lives in: Canterlot Castle, Equestria (homeland: Celtic Equestria)

Member since: Nov 03, 2017

(meanwhile) *Blu and Luna walk into a room filled with guards*

*Luna sits in her seat as Blu starts a war plan*

Now everyone there are rumors that some of our foes are going to make a return, if this is true we need to be ready and a few of you, I'm not naming names I'm looking at you Sgt. Frozen

*The Sgt. looked embarrassed*

Now that's all I called you all in for

*Everyone leaves but Blu and Luna then they leave and go into their room and sleep*

Ar. Enderman "Blu" Wolf


Lives in: Canterlot Castle, Equestria (homeland: Celtic Equestria)

Member since: Nov 03, 2017

*Morning comes and Blu's voice comes over the speakers*

Morning everypony, all troops report to the training yard now and Fury report to my office 

*The speakers turn off*

*Blu thinks to himself about Fury*

Why did I bring him back he probably hates me now thinks I'm a slave to my own wife *sigh* well I'm going to have to give him this rank his fighting skills are beyond the rank of general, he's getting the higher rank, Supreme General Fury, sounds good for him

*Blu's 2 guards outside his office open the door for Fury to step into Blu's office*

Last updated: Sun, Mar 24, 2019 11:02 pm