Discuss how the site can be improved. It's a new site after all.

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my suggestions for the website.



Lives in: Ohio

Member since: Feb 17, 2016

  • maybe for the Explore settings ,there should be a option for searching personality archetypes , quirks, and interests. and maybe search for keywords for the "about me" and maybe even "what MLP taught me" and "why I like MLP" sections of the users' profile.

Last updated: Wed, Feb 17, 2016 11:37 pm




Lives in: Seattle

Member since: Feb 06, 2015

Thanks, Gnarly! Honestly, I'm hesitant on this one for the time being. As the site grows, searching through text-based data becomes really, really slow. I don't want the site crashing or slowing down. As I see safe ways, I'll add things to the search, but I want to take it slow.