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Why PonyCrush is for adults




Lives in: Texas

Member since: Aug 01, 2015

So apparently I've been thinking of a lot of ideas and when a
situation comes up that warrants it I like to put these things out here
for future reference.  I feel that some may take our 18+ rule as being
something alongside NSFW content or our filters but I assure you there
are many other reasons beside that.  This is going to be with regards to
me being in the United States as some of these things do change from
place to place (needless to say I do think the servers are here in the
US, so things here apply).
  1. Generally speaking the age that is
    required to post certain kinds of content varies from state to state. 
    This can include or not include images or video.  It's generally easier
    to be consistent across the board rather than trying to look at every
    state and update things accordingly.  18 is generally the accepted age
    for being an adult in those regards.
  2. Many games and online
    applications are rated solely on the worst content that can be posted
    within acceptable rules.  By default it would make this place 18+
    because we allow adult content to be posted.
  3. Emotional maturity
    can't be assigned a numeric value.  Some people can be young and wise
    and others can be old and silly.  Generally speaking it's been
    consistent in my experiences that those that are 18 or older have enough
    wisdom and experience to handle situations better than a teenager. 
    This isn't to say this is always accurate, being bronies and all, but
    sometimes it is hard to try and reason things as adults when some aren't
    there yet.
  4. Some folks don't either properly label themselves or
    look at how others set their profile.  Back on the old PonySquare we
    did have many that ignored non-RP settings and attempted to RP with
    those not interested in it.  It wouldn't surprise me if something
    similar were to happen with dating instead of a friendship.  I would
    advise against introducing oneself in an inappropriate manner but from
    what I know some relationships work that way.
  5. There is a
    slightly inverse relationship between the age range and the topics of
    discussion.  While not all topics are NSFW in nature there are many that
    are best suited for an adult.
  6. No matter how well filters can be
    designed content can either be not properly flagged or something else
    can happen.  If adult content were to be posted unflagged I'd rather
    take care of it without kids seeing it.  Remember we can't be online
  7. Generally those under 18 are the responsibility of their
    parents.  While I haven't seen it an issue anywhere else this being a
    dating site adds more complications given a goal is going out and
    meeting people.  It's similar in concept as to why many games for
    younger kids don't allow email addresses or other information posted. 
    Once outside the site user interactions are out of our hands.
  8. This
    may be a combination of other points but to put it explicitly the goal
    is to have a chill, fun place to talk and enjoy each other.  Having to
    add filters makes it difficult for people to relax if they are on the
    lookout for those that have to avoid bothering.
  9. This is more of a personal point but I didn't have social media nor constant internet as a kid.  From how it affects some of my extended family I don't recommend social media for children nor teenagers.  Results will vary, of course.
Edit: Apparently the site rejects either the parenthesis or the + sign in titles.  Oh well.  Copy and paste breaks formatting as well.
Last updated: Thu, Dec 03, 2015 06:44 am

Michael Lamphier


Lives in: Shelby, North Carolina

Member since: Jan 30, 2017

Sounds right