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phone app

Brittany Simmons


Lives in: Ponyville, Equestria

Member since: Jun 06, 2015

With notifications when you get a message or when somepony brohoofs or replys to something on your wall.. That would be pretty cool~

Maybe be able to post pics on the wall itself not just have them in your photos. 

I like using pics when I rp.. 




Lives in: Seattle

Member since: Feb 06, 2015

Discussions, wall comments, and replies on walls should trigger a notification on the site. Posting pics on the wall will be awhile off, but it will be put in eventually. As for an actual app, I need people for this. I'm not an app guy. At some point, hopefully I can find someone for Android and someone for iOS though.




Lives in: Seattle

Member since: Feb 06, 2015

I've actually been fiddling around with Android Studio. Now, I can't possibly give a release date at this point, but I am working on an Android app - mainly the app's layout as I get familiar with writing the code... :P